Frequently asked questions
What type of event this is?
- This is a festival dedicated to the games industry, including games, game industry related technology, art, education, talent pool and services.
- This is a hybrid event. B2B matching and game jam can be attended online or on-site. Conference, game pitching, board games workshop, expo/showroom, and parties will be available only on-site.
- This is dominantly a B2B event
- GAME WAVE FESTIVAL is aimed at game developers, investors, game industry related companies, students, researchers, artists, trade organizations, and those who simply wish to know more about games.
Who can attend?
- Online: everyone who is registered.
- On-site: everyone who is registered and in possession of Covid-19 Green certificate (only vaccinated or recovered from Covid-19 in the last 6 months). Minors must attend with parents or a guardian.
All participants, no matter their role, must be registered and fill their profile!
What opportunities are there for me?
- If you wish to know more about games, make business contacts, get inspired, and have fun become our standart participant. You can do this simply by pressing Register now button to register and fill your profile
- If you wish to showcase your game, register now and, when prompted, tick Yes in the "WILL YOU SHOW YOUR GAME OR TECHNOLOGY IN SHOWROOM?" question. Our staff will contact you via e-mail and discuss the details of your attendance
- If you are a publisher we invite you to become a judge in the Publisher Pitch. Contact the main GAME WAVE FESTIVAL coordinator @
- If you wish to find mentors, publishers or investors for your game or business idea and perfect your pitch, register now and, when prompted, tick Yes in the "I WANT TO PITCH MY GAME ON THE STAGE" question. Our staff will contact you via e-mail and discuss the details of your attendance
- If you wish to become a speaker in the conference "General", "XR" or "Board Games" track, or a panel participant in "Legislations and game development", "Publishing for Indies" or "Current situation in Board games industry", contact the main GAME WAVE FESTIVAL coordinator @ Speakers must attend the event on-site. Panel participants can choose between on-site and online.
- If you wish to become a patron of GAME WAVE FESTIVAL and promote your organization, contact the main GAME WAVE FESTIVAL coordinator @
All participants, no matter their role, must be registered and fill their profile!
Where will the festival take place?
GAME WAVE FESTIVAL will take place in Baltic Beach Hotel & Spa, Jurmala, right by the Baltic sea.
How much does the tickets cost?
- Attendance in the conference, game pitching, board games workshop, expo/showroom, game jam, and b2b matching is completely FREE for all registered participants!
- The ticket price for the parties will announced at the start of the September, as we need to take in account the Covid-19 restrictions and costs of the safety measures.
Are there any fees?
Yes. If a participant:
- ignores meeting requests,
- accepts meetings and does not show up without any prior notice,
- does not fill the profile 2 weeks before the event,
- does not attend the event in any form,
The fee will not be applied automatically. The participant will receive several e-mails and system notifications from the organizators. We will also examine each issue case by case and will nullify the fee if sufficient cause is given. We would also like to remind every participant that all information and participation can be edited in the system even after registration till September 24th.
This fee is only intended to keep the quality of the festival and be respectful towards other participants.
Can I attend the festival without Covid Green certificate?
Without Covid Green certificate you are allowed to attend only online (b2b matching and game jam). On-site attendance is strictly for participants with a valid Green certificate (only vaccinated or recovered in the last 6 months). Yellow certificate (negative tests) will not be accepted.
It is recommended to save your certificate on your phone or print it. We will scan the certificate of each attendant.
What heath safety measures are you taking?
We are doing everything in our power to make the festival a safespace, therefore:
- the entire GAME WAVE festival is in the Covid Green zone,
- Every staff member of GAME WAVE festival is fully vaccinated,
- We will scan and validate the certificate of each attending person,
- We have planned the festival schedule with mandatory breaks to ventilate and clean the rooms,
What is the best way to travel to Latvia?
- If you are from the Baltic States, Western or Eastern Europe, consider using Ecolines buses to arrive to Riga (bus station).
- If you are from Northern Europe simplest way would be to choose a flight to Riga International Airport (RIX).
How do I get to the festival?
- If you have arrived to Latvia by bus: walk from Riga bus station to Riga Central station then take a train to Majori.
- If you have arrived to Latvia by plane: walk from Riga International Airport to the bus station across the parking lot and take 22nd bus from "Lidosta Rīga" to "Centrāltirgus" then walk to Riga Central station and take a train to Majori.
- If you have arrived to Riga International Airport via airBaltic flight BT102 - Stockholm (Departure date & time: Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 08:55 | Arrival date & time: Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 11:00) or BT302 - Helsinki (Departure date & time: Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 09:50 | Arrival date & time: Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 10:50) we are organising a special bus to take you to the venue.
Do I get a discount in the local hotels?
Yes! We offer a discount code GWF2021 for two amazing local hotels:
- Baltic Beach Hotel & Spa (5 star hotel) - Classic room (100 EUR per night) or Deluxe room (120 EUR per night)
- Hotel Jūrmala SPA (4 star hotel) - Standart single or double/twin room (72 EUR or 88 EUR per night) or Superior room (104 EUR per night)
What do I do if I forget my password?
- Click here or click Login in the upper right corner of the event website
- Click the "Forgot password?" link
- Enter the email address you used to register for the event
- Click the Reset Password button
- You will receive an email with a "Reset Password" button
- Click the button and enter your new password in the "New Password field"
- Repeat the new password in the "Repeat Password" field and click Reset your password
Please check your spam and/or promotions inbox in case you did not receive the password reset email!
How do I change my password?
- Log in using your email address and your password.
- Go to Account Settings in your Dashboard, under your profile picture
- Go to the "Change password" section
- Type the old password in the "Old Password" field and the new password in the "New Password" field
- Repeat the new password in the "Repeat Password" field and save.
Please check your spam and/or promotions inbox in case you did not receive the password reset email!
How do I change my email address?
- Log in using your email address and your password.
- Go to Account Settings in your Dashboard, under your profile picture
- Enter the new email address in the Account email address field
- Please note that you cannot change your email address to one that already exists in our system
- Click on Update Email Address
- Wait for the confirmation email in your inbox and then confirm it
How do I change my time zone?
- Click the Edit my profile button in your Dashboard or click here
- Select a time zone from the dropdown menu in the "Personal Information" section
- Make sure you set your time zone correctly because the agenda and your meetings will be displayed according to the time zone you have selected
Why is my profile not activated yet?
- If you see a message saying "Your profile is waiting to be activated" when you log in, it means that the event organizers have not done so yet
- If you believe your profile should have been activated already, please check the Contacts page and let the event organizers know
Can I become a speaker in the conference?
Yes! We are looking for:
- Talks connected to games industry.
- These can be about any topic: business, design, art, technical solutions, software, hardware, project management, publishing, investment, experience talks etc.
- We are especially looking for talks related to XR and Board games!
All conference talks will be happening on-site in Jurmala, Latvia.
How long should my talk be?
45 min. + 15 min Q&A OR 20 min +10 min Q&A.
Can I become a speaker in a panel?
Yes! We offer participation in 3 panels:
- "Legislation and game development"
- "Publishing for indies"
- "Current situation in Board games industry"
We accept both on-site and online panel participants.
What benefits do you offer for speakers and panel participants?
- Speaker's dinner;
- Tickets to the afterparty;
- Full access to all the events of GAME WAVE FESTIVAL;
- Social media promotion in Game Wave Facebook and Baltic Explorers LinkedIn pages;
- We examine each speaker case by case, and in some cases cover travel and/or accommodation.
How can I become a speaker?
Contact the main GAME WAVE FESTIVAL:
1:1 Meetings
How do I request a meeting with someone?
- Go to the Participants list and browse through the profiles
- Click the Request meeting button
- Choose the time and date of the meeting
- Click Send request
- Click "View Profile →" if you want to get more information about the participants
- Click the Request meeting button below their profile picture
- Choose the time and date of the meeting
- Click Send request
or |
How to check if my camera/microphone is working?
- Please check that your browser has permission to use your camera/microphone
- Click the Camera and microphone test button in your Meetings and follow the instructions
- Depending on your browser settings you may be asked to confirm the activation of the Camera/Microphone through a pop-up dialog form
- If you have already declined to give your browser permission to use your camera and microphone, you will need to adjust the browser's settings
- How to adjust the microphone/camera related settings in your browser?
- If none of the above works, consider switching to another device to join the meetings.
How can I share my screen during 1:1 meetings?
- Click the Screen Sharing icon
right next to the camera icon
- Choose what to share (your entire screen, a window, or just one browser tab)
- After you have selected, click the Share button
Please note that if you share your screen while playing a video, the other participant(s) will not hear the sound unless it's coming from your PC/laptop and is loud enough for your microphone to pick it up.
Can I invite a third person to my 1:1 meeting?
- You can invite other people, such as your colleagues, to join the meeting
- To do so, go to your Meetings page and click the Invite guests button that is visible in all your upcoming meetings
- A pop-up window will appear with a direct link you can send to anyone you want
- When that person clicks on the link, they will be redirected directly to the online 1:1 meeting
- The person does not have to be registered for the event or have a b2match profile to join the online meeting this way
- You can access the invitation link even if you have already started the meeting by clicking the Invite guest icon
in the bottom left corner of your screen
Please do not share your login information with your colleagues if you want them to join your meeting. If two people are logged in to the same profile and join the online meeting, one of them will be kicked out. Always use the direct link to invite other people.
Why can't I request meetings with some participants?
- Participants available for meeting requests are indicated with the Request meeting button. If the button is gray:
- You may not have registered for any 1:1 meetings sessions
- please make yourself available for 1:1 meetings sessions via Agenda or Availability
- The participant you want to meet might not have registered for any 1:1 meetings sessions
- Booking rules applied by the event organizer might not allow booking specific participant groups, e.g. no meetings among Sellers & Sellers; Start-ups can’t send meetings requests to Investors, etc.
- You might not have any common overlapping 1:1 meetings sessions
- Please sign-up for some additional 1:1 meetings sessions via Agenda or Availability
How do I add sessions to my agenda?
- To add sessions to your agenda, you first have to go to the Event Agenda where you can see the available sessions
- Click on the session to see the description if there is one
- When you see a session you want to attend, click the Add button
- If you do not see the Add button, it is possible that you are not logged in to your profile or that the event has registration rules which prevent certain participants to attend the session
- The session will now be visible in My Agenda
How can I join an online session?
- Click the Join Online Session button to be redirected to the online video conferencing tool
- If you do not see this button, it is possible that you are not logged into your profile, or that you did not add this session to your attendance
- If the button looks like this: Join Online Session, it means that the session has not started yet
- The button will become green and clickable 5 minutes before the session starts
How to create a Marketplace item?
- To add a Marketplace Item go to your Dashboard or the My Opportunities sector in the Marketplace
- Select the type of Marketplace Item you want to upload
- Depending on the event, the available options may include Product, Service, Partnership, Project Cooperation, Investment, Expertise, or Request
- Enter the title and description of your Marketplace item
- Select one or more classifiers
- Depending on the event, the available options may include Market Application Keywords, Type of Service, Project Stage, Expertize Fields, Investment, Expertise, What are you looking for?, etc.
- Click the Save button in the lower right corner
How can I add files to my Marketplace item?
- To add an image:
- Click the Add image button
- Select an image from your device
- If you want, you can add more images and when you're done, click Save
- The supported image formats include: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif and .png
- To add a file:
- Click the Select file button
- Select a file from your device
- Enter a name for the file
- The file you upload will be displayed as a link, and when clicked, it will open in a separate browser tab
- Click the Add file button and then Save
- The supported file formats include: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, and .xlsx
- To add a YouTube video:
- Enter the video title
- Paste the YouTube link
- Click the Add video button and then Save
- The video will appear as an embedded mini player and other participants will be able to watch it directly on the Marketplace Item